Information on Personal Data Processing

Consent to Personal Data Processing


I hereby give to Škoda Auto a.s., tř. Václava Klementa 869, Mladá Boleslav II, 293 01, Mladá Boleslav, Identification No.: 00177041, registered in the Register of Companies kept by the Municipal Court of Prague under section B, file No. 332, the data controller of personal data (hereinafter referred to as “company Škoda Auto“),free and voluntary consent to the processing of personal data to the following extent: name, last name and email address for the purpose of: Škoda Museum promotion

Consent is given for five years.

I acknowledge that I have a right to withdraw my consent at any time electronically on the web site or in a written form at the address of the company Škoda Auto. I have a right to withdraw the consent before the expiration of the processing period for which the consent was granted. The withdrawal of the consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the personal data processing based on the consent before its withdrawal. More information related to the personal data processing is provided in the annex listed below which is an integral part of this consent. General information related to personal data protection is also available on the web site


Distribution of Škoda Museum Newsletters


By this document, we as the controller of personal data – company Škoda Auto a.s., tř. Václava Klementa 869, 293 01, Mladá Boleslav, Identification No.: 00177041, registered in the Register of companies kept by the Municipal Court of Prague under section B file No. 332 (hereafter referred to as “company Škoda Auto“) – provide information on the personal data processing and your rights related to this processing.
The processing of personal data includes following activities: Distribution of Škoda Museum newsletters

Škoda Museum Promotion

Purpose of the processing:
Škoda Museum promotion

Description of the purpose of processing:
If you give us your consent, we will register you in the book of the persons interested in the newsletter of Škoda Museum and several times a month we will send, to your email address, information regarding new exhibitions, options for excursions in Škoda Auto or information letters with the updated offer of the services of Škoda Museum.

Legal basis of the processing:
We process your personal data based on the consent granted by you.

Categories of the personal data we process:
Identification data
Contact information

Processing and archiving period:
We will process your personal data for this purpose for 5 years after granting your consent; subsequently we will archive your consent for 5 more years.

Categories of data processors or recipients to whom we may provide the personal data:
Agency taking part in distribution of the newsletters
Upon request, your personal data can be provided to public authorities, in particular to courts, the Police of the Czech Republic and other law enforcement agencies to the necessary extent and within the boundaries of law.

Source of the personal data:
Directly from you.

Transfers of personal data to third countries or supranational organisations:
As part of the above-mentioned processing, your personal data will not be transferred to any third country or any multinational company.

Automated decision-making based on the personal data:
During this personal data processing, automated decision-making based on the personal data does not occur.

Other information:
Personal data may be archived in the public interest and used for scientific, historical or statistical research purposes. In wellfounded cases the personal data can also be the subject of the processing for the purposes of legal matters resolution, including the performance of obligations towards the public administration bodies and monitoring and ongoing evaluation of legal risks.


What are your rights?


As a part of the personal data processing, you have the following right:

Access to processed personal data.

Revocation of consent to the personal data processing.

Correction of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete personal data.

Erasure of personal data in case of purpose legal basis termination or in case of unlawful processing.

Restriction of data processing.

Extract of your personal data in a machine-readable format for yourself, or for another controller.

Object to data processing, if you believe that processing of personal data is unlawful.

Not to be subject of automated decision-making.

How you can exercise your rights?


For the inquiries related to the personal data protection and processing, use the following communication channels:

In connection with the exercise of your rights, Škoda Auto may charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs for the processing when requests from a data subject are apparently unfounded or excessive.


By mail:

Škoda Auto a.s.

Data Protection Office

tř. Václava Klementa 869

Mladá Boleslav II

CZ 293 01 Mladá Boleslav

Data Protection Officer


For questions regarding the personal data protection, you can contact directly the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of Škoda Auto.


Lodging a Complaint


In case you disagree with the way Škoda Auto processes or handles your personal data, you can lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of Škoda Auto or a supervisory authority to protect your rights.

Office for Personal Data Protection
Pplk. Sochora 27
170 00 Praha 7
+420 234 665 111

By phone:

+420 800 600 000

By mail:

Škoda Auto a.s.

Data Protection Office

tř. Václava Klementa 869

Mladá Boleslav II

CZ 293 01 Mladá Boleslav



For questions regarding the personal data protection, you can contact directly the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of Škoda Auto.




In case you disagree with the way Škoda Auto processes or handles your personal data, you can lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of Škoda Auto or a supervisory authority to protect your rights.

Office for Personal Data Protection
Pplk. Sochora 27
170 00 Praha 7
+420 234 665 111